
Does my dog qualify for training?

We work with any breeds of dog and any problem. After completing our entry evaluation session, we will give you an honest opinion on what game plan would be most appropriate for you and your dog. Our specialties are behavioural rehab and remote collar conditioning but we also love when we get to work with puppies to prevent problems from happening. From obedience to behaviour to nutritional advice to training support, we’re here for you!
*When bringing an aggressive dog in for training, please fit him/her with a Baskerville muzzle.

My dog is fed raw… Can he still participate in Board Programs?

Absolutely! We actually prefer and prioritize working with raw fed dogs as we believe it to be the healthiest way of feeding.

Can I visit my dog during the Board & Train program?

Unfortunately we usually do not allow visits during training. The exception is if we deem mid-program training sessions to be beneficial to you and your dog’s progress. During your dog’s program, you will receive frequent updates via text and uploads of photos/videos through a private Google folder. We welcome all questions and do our best to give you a daily insight to your dog’s progression.


Will I have to implement new household rules?

Most dogs are a product of their environment. You’ll see a great example of this with a recently adopted rescue dog… Sometimes you won’t get to see the ‘real’ dog until after a honeymoon period. Once the dog settles into his new environment, he’ll begin to test boundaries and figure out how he can work the system. This can happen within months or even days. Through the lack of boundaries and accountability comes the inner beast that devours any chance of peace. This is why solid rules are so important. Reducing free roaming and furniture privileges while implementing proper threshold manners will immediately create a foundation of limitation, expectation, and communication. Without being able to uphold consistent rules during the training process, your dog will struggle to see you as a respectable, relevant source in his life.


Can I train my dog without using tools?

It is difficult to get away from using any tools when training a dog. In essence, if you use a leash, you’re using a tool.
The better question is ‘can I train my dog without use of specific tools?’ And the answer is Yes. However, the deeper the problem or the more intense the dog, your window of options does get smaller. Without being open to certain tools, you will be heavily limiting your progress, your results, and possibly the safety of your dog and others. I have seen dogs and people in prolonged mental pain that could be eradicated instantly with the proper use of certain tools. It pays to be flexible and open to doing what is best for the dog. That being said, it is the goal to fade out ‘training wheels’ once you have solidified the behaviours you love!


What is a remote collar?

The remote collar or E-Collar is a newly improved tool of communication with the perk of allowing full off-leash reliability for your dog. It is the invisible leash.
There are many models on the market, most of which are cheap copies without the option of low levels. The model we provide is the Mini Educator 300. This specific remote is family-friendly and catered to dogs over 5 pounds. The stimulation (which goes from level 1 to 100) is ‘blunt’, meaning it is the common technology used in hospitals and physical therapy, and not electric. Like the Dr. Ho machine! Both the remote and collar are completely waterproof.
Sometimes its difficult to decide on whether this collar is right for you and your dog, but we guarantee you’ll never want to go back after seeing the way we use this ultimate tool to gain amazing benefits. ‘Making bad dogs good and good dogs better’.
All dogs qualify but we recommend going with a sufficient Board program or package for full training.

What is a Herm Sprenger collar?

More commonly known as the prong collar, the HS collar is unfairly but understandably judged by its looks. This tool can look like a medieval device upon first glance, however it stands out by being one of the most humane collars ever designed. The individual prong links come together to create an even distribution of pressure around the dog’s entire neck, rather then a focused amount of force directly on the trachea as seen with a flat collar. When fitted correctly, it should sit comfortably under the dog’s chin without sliding over the head or down the neck. It does not choke, pinch, or puncture.
Not all situations qualify for prong collar use so please seek professional guidance beforehand.


Will these tools harm my dog?

First of all, tools are completely neutral in themselves… It is what you do with those tools that dictate a positive or negative outcome. Even so, these tools are built to be the safest yet most effective options when communicating with your dog.
The tools I advocate for are are gaining popularity despite past controversy because of the incredibly humane way we use them. Old beliefs and techniques are fading into a new modern approach which allows us to open up a whole new world of dog communication. 

What is Place?

Place is a specific location (such as a dog bed, bench, rock, etc) on which you send your dog to stay until released. It is the ultimate ‘off-switch’ and should be used proactively instead of reactively. We teach two phases of Place in order to name it and then to proof it. The benefits are very similar to what we’d experience with meditation. When a dog has to focus on staying still on one location for extended amounts of time, she will be building healthy impulse control. This has a great ripple effect on the rest of her lifestyle.

Do I have to use a crate during our training?

It is not always required for you to use a crate with your dog. However we believe most dogs benefit from crate training in the early stages of life and for specific rehab. Crate training is often a part of our Board & Train programs and may need to be continued afterwards unless otherwise discussed.

What are the requirements of a Board & Train Program?

Since all dogs are different, we try to be flexible to accommodate each case. However there are a few requirements we like to stand by:
- Boarders will be crated during their program when unsupervised and it is recommended that structured crating continues once they return home.
- We do not take dogs on any anxiety medications and recommend that any of these types of meds are weaned off in time for the program.
- We steer away from taking dogs who are on prescription diets and low quality food brands. Why? Because dogs are what they eat, so take a look at that ingredients list.
- Exercise must continue after a program. Although we try to be realistic in our daily activity level, dogs are going to notice the difference in our ‘doggy bootcamp’ outlets and being back home. Sufficient daily exercise is a must, although the amount of necessary activity all depends on the dog.

Of course, if you have questions, please feel free to shoot us a message by contacting us!!