"After months of struggling with our new pup and a previous trainer we were overwhelmed and frustrated at our inability to bring calmness to our dog and home. Our pup was unable to turn off and relax, we could not control her on leash which took the joy out of walks and touching/grooming put her in full-on bite mode. We signed up for board and train with Jenna and I was unsure how her training methods would translate back to our family or how much of a different outcome would be possible. Jenna met our dog's intensity with the most patient, calm resolve and changed her approach where needed to work on our dog's unique drive and behaviours. She sent videos daily which explained and showed us how to carry out the training techniques and encouraged us to be better leaders. The videos not only showcased the adventures our dog had daily, learning from Jenna and her pack, but the amount of incredibly hard work, energy and passion she put into training our dog. Our dog is back home and she is truly reset and the transformation is magical! Every member of the family is eager for walks with her as now when we move she moves and if we stop she stops, no more pulling and jumping if we stop to talk with other people and/or dogs along the way. She now accepts touch and all grooming in a calm relaxed way and it's a joy to see her relaxed and settled in the home accepting our commands without coming back at us with growls and fights. Nothing but praise and gratitude for Jenna!"

- Carla, Armand, Abby & Ivy


“We contacted Jenna after our newly adopted pup, Nacho, started showing signs of leash reactivity--an issue that is so common for dog owners, but was completely new to us. Feeling overwhelmed or uncertain with other training or methods, we reached out to see if she could help us learn how to help our Nacho. And did she ever! 
After just two hours of training with Jenna, Nacho was happier and more relaxed, and we were too! Jenna took time to walk us through they whys of training, determine a plan that we felt good about that worked for Nacho, and showed us how to follow through with his training every day. Instantly, our walks with Nacho became a joy instead of a stressor. Nacho might still be a work in progress, but each day we both get a little better as trainer and trainee. 
Jenna not only helped us learn to communicate with our pup and get Nacho's leash manners moving in the right direction, but she also gave us a space to build a better, more trusting bond with Nacho in those early days. We are incredibly grateful for the patience and kindness Jenna showed us as much as she did Nacho, and can't recommend her highly enough.”

- Katherine, Dana, & Nacho


“We’ve been raising dogs for more than 15 years. We can positively and conclusively say that Jenna’s training method is top-tier. Jenna embodies the rare combination of sincere passion for the well-being of dogs, adaptability in terms of catering to individual dog personalities, exceptionally patient, and a kind heart. Willow, our Miniature Schnauzer, has changed immensely for the better because of her.
Because of Jenna, Willow is constantly praised for being obedient and mature for her young age. Before Jenna, Willow was restless and constantly barking in public places. Now, we are not afraid to let her off leash when we play with her in the parks and walk her in the trails. Our walks have become much more relaxed, with no leash reactivity due to Jenna's training.
Jenna is an amazing person on the inside and outside. They say dogs can tell a human's true character, and are drawn to good people. Jenna and her stellar track record gives us faith in the saying. Jenna has our deepest gratitude and highest respect.”

- The Tanchip Family & Willow


“I found Jenna through social media when I was fostering a rescue that needed help with her reactivity towards some dogs. In my first communication with Jenna, she wrote "We can flip this situation into a good one so she can become adopted and reactivity-free." Well, through 3 one-on-one sessions we did just that. Jenna exceeded all expectations when she provided solutions that we were comfortable with, tools and exercises to practice in between sessions and availability and support throughout the entire process. She took the time to incorporate the (then potential) adopters into the learning process and practical so they may provide consistency in her forever home. Because of this, my rescue was adopted. With Jenna, there isn't a 'one size fits all' approach. She will listen to you and your unique situation and provide solutions. Without hesitation I recommend Jenna and her Highfives' philosophies.”

- Jennifer & Ryan


“I imported Arya, a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, from Italy after traveling there. This dog breed is very unique and can be difficult to train. After the first session with Jenna, it was like night and day with Arya! She has significantly approved all thanks to Jenna! Jenna takes the time and effort to explain the training and constantly gives feedback. Her dedication and passion is evident in each session. Not only does Jenna provide training tips, but she also has a plethora of resources to help you learn. From Youtube videos to printed resources, there is plenty of material to go over. I wouldn’t recommend any other trainer but Jenna! Thank you!”

- Marc & Arya


“I would highly recommended HighFives for K9s. Jenna is a true professional. She is very knowledgeable, patient and has a calming demeanor about her. She worked with our dog Harvey who was extremely overactive and out of control. I sent Harvey for a week of board and train with Jenna and he came back a different dog. Now we can enjoy dog walks and outings with our dogs without creating an embarrassing fiasco scene. I would highly recommend Jenna and her pack!”

- Marta. Brian, Harvey & Theo


“Jenna is amazing. We have our first puppy and are totally starting from scratch with no prior dog experience. Her approach is easy to understand, flexible, and so effective. She helped us with getting ready for a puppy, starting a routine, how to handle unwanted behaviour like nipping, and is helping us learn and teach commands as well. Her approach is balanced, straightforward and consistent - it’s given us confidence and new skills, and a very happy well adjusted new family member.”

- Ally & Turner


“Someone recommended me to Highfives for K9s when I was looking for dog training. I contacted Jenna at Highfives and she responded in a very quick manner. There are no words to describe her experience, her empathy, her love towards animals. I adopted a rescue from Mexico and he needed various training to get adjusted to home life. Jenna has gone above and beyond expectations in training, as well as teaching me as a dog parent how to work with my dog. I also foster dogs and Jenna is right there to help when needed. I highly recommend Highfives and all the teaching tools that are recommended!”

- Janis, Cody & Lola


“I cannot recommend Hightfives For K9s enough. When I first contacted the Highfives for K9s team I was struggling and felt over whelmed by dogs behaviour. My German Shepherd some exhibiting guarding issues and was reactive toward other dogs. After meeting with the lead trainer on the Highfives Team: Jenna, I felt confident I now had a plan to help my dog. On our first one hour session Jenna was able to correct my dog Mya’s behaviour and stop her barking at the sound of the doorbell. It was after several sessions with her my family and I made the decision to enrol Mya in the Highfives for K9s two week board and train program. Prior to Mya attending her board and train program, Jenna sat down with my family to discuss our goals for Mya and talked through an individualized training plan. Mya returned a changed dog. Mya is now able to engage with people and other dogs in positive and calm manner.
Through every step of our training process Jenna has been patient, kind, none judgmental and always takes time to explain what she is doing in detail. Jenna utilized a variety of balance training methods to meet the needs of each family and emphasize boundaries for dogs. The Highfives for k9s team has experience with rescued dogs, large breeds, small breads and aggressive dogs. Jenna and her team at Highfives for K9s go above and beyond to meet the needs of their clients. I am forever grateful for the confidence they have given both me and my dog. Thankyou Jenna and Team!"

- Robyn, Jessica, & Mya


“I brought our one-year old Shiba Inu to Jenna after working with another handler who used mostly positive methods. While positive training worked for our other dog, Yoko just wasn’t responding well to it. Moreover, she was starting to exhibit some mild guarding issues as well as bully-ish behaviour. Basically, she was running the show in this household! Not only was walking her an embarrassing nightmare, she would “Shiba-Scream” at the slightest inconvenience to her, such as being bathed, or having her paws touched. We couldn’t even get a collar and leash on her without her snapping and biting. At this point, we knew we needed help ASAP.
So, we sent Yoko for a two-week board and train with Jenna. What we got back was a nearly perfect dog! I say “nearly” perfect because she just got home this past Saturday, and we still have a lot of maintenance to do here at home. But I’m certain that if we stick to Jenna’s game plan, Yoko will be the perfect dog! She’s 99% there already!
To anyone who is looking for a dog trainer: I highly and wholeheartedly recommend High-fives for K9s. Jenna’s results speak for themselves - you won’t be disappointed!”

- Mona & Yoko


“Recently our 1 year old lab/rottie joined Jenna for a 2 week long board and train program after we reached out to her about our challenges. Between many videos, messages and voice notes, Jenna is always promptly available and in communication with us to support us throughout our journey; including check ins after our board and train was complete. Jenna fosters an environment welcoming to all of our questions and concerns, so much so that we often exceeded our allotted session times. Not only did her responses demonstrate her knowledge and expertise of dogs, but also her genuine care, passion and respect for them. We are so thankful for Jenna and her pack, and so happy with the training for our big guy.”
- Cooper, Sarah, & Riggs