#2 Good Weather or Good Energy?


Highfives Insights #2: Does your environment dictate how you feel? Or does how you feel dictate your environment? 

I got to thinking on this topic during the recent nice weather... I heard a lot of comments about how awesome it would be if the mild weather stayed around all the time, because everyone was feeling good in the sunshine. Being someone who works outside, that would definitely be nice! But the truth is the weather changes. Surroundings change. Situations change. People change. You can't control those changes. The only thing you can control is your energy and your perspective. 

Even if you are surrounded by seemingly insurmountable obstacles that struggle against you changing your perspective, the most important thing is to stay positive and calm. It sounds cheesy, but it's true… It totally is all about your perspective. If you feel content with yourself and your energy, it doesn't matter what goes on around you... You still would feel content from the inside out. But if you are insecure, ill, or worried, you can easily start seeing only the negative things around you. 

Just like a dog in training, the goal is to create happy, relaxed energy within so that every scenario in the real world will be handled with calmness, positivity, and level headedness no matter what goes on around us.

No train no gain!


Jenna Kingston